48-2019 – Awareness is crucial as a remedy against cyber crime: Aruba Cybercrime Awareness Seminar 2019

Oranjestad –The Aruba Chamber of Commerce and Industry is organizing a seminar on Thursday, November 7, 2019 in collaboration with IT service provider NetPro Group with an urgent theme: cybercrime awareness. Cybercrime is developing at lightning speed. Malicious people find increasingly innovative ways to attack organizations on Aruba for different purposes. No distinction is made between small and large organizations. “We are noticing a significant increase in digital attacks, not only on Aruba, but also on Curacao and Bonaire, where organizations from 1 to 20 employees are the target,” says Jurgen Hof, managing director of NetPro Group Bonaire. “There are several known cases of ransomware where entrepreneurs have had to pay several thousand dollars to retrieve access to their systems and data. Because of this growth in cybercrime, it is important to raise awareness about cybersecurity on the ABC islands and that is why we fully support this initiative on Aruba,” says Hof.

During this seminar for directors, business owners, managers and IT professionals, participants are informed in a clear and interactive way about the recent threats. But it is certainly not only about threats, it is also about raising awareness and making progress.

Two keynote speakers, Dave Maasland, CEO of ICT security company ESET, and Erik Jan Koedijk, chairman and member of the Advisory board of Alert Online and member of the advisory board for the Dutch police, will show the way ahead. They provide clear answers to the questions: how do I deal with a changing threat landscape, where do I start, how far should I go and how can awareness help combating cybercrime?

The seminar is held in the auditorium of the Chamber of Commerce in Aruba. You can register by sending an e-mail to businessinfo@arubachamber.com


Date: Thursday, November 7

Location: Aruba Chamber of Commerce – J.E. Irausquin Blvd 10, Oranjestad, Aruba

Start of registration: 08.30 – start of the seminar: 9 am – end of the seminar: 12.30 pm.

Entrance fee: Afl. 35,- including F&B.


Erik Jan Koedijk (1972) is chairman and member of the Advisory Alert Online, adviser for the Dutch police, communication strategist and internet expert. Erik Jan has been coming to the ABC Islands every two years since 2015 and gives many workshops in the field of communication and collaboration. Internet security is an important part of that.

Dave Maasland (1990) is CEO at ESET Netherlands. This is one of the largest IT security companies and the ESET brand is known worldwide. From his field of cyber security, he speaks about the risks, but especially possibilities that the digital world offers. With his passion for IT and technology, he wants to inspire people and remove fear through ignorance.

Additional information for journalists – Individual interviews

Before and after the seminar Ad Laheij (deputy director of NetPro Group Aruba), Jurgen Hof (managing director of NetPro Group Bonaire) and both keynote speakers Dave Maasland and Erik Jan Koedijk are available for interviews.

Aruba, October 28, 2019

The Aruba Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KvK)

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